Vision Therapy Improves Many Visual Problems

Delve Global
2 min readNov 2, 2021

Vision therapy can relieve symptoms and improve performance in school, work and sports. Some vision problems that are addressed with vision therapy include:

  • Amblyopia. Also called “lazy eye,” amblyopia is a vision development problem where one eye fails to attain normal visual acuity due to an eye turn (strabismus), imbalanced optical powers between the eyes or a combination of both.
  • Strabismus. Also known as “eye turn”. The success of vision therapy for strabismus depends on the direction, magnitude and frequency of the eye turn; it has been proven effective for treating an intermittent form of strabismus called convergence insufficiency (an inability to keep the eyes properly aligned when reading or looking at near tasks).
  • Other binocular vision problems. Subtle eye alignment problems called phorias that may not produce a visible eye turn but still can cause eye strain and eye fatigue when reading or doing near tasks.
  • Eye movement disorders. Studies have shown vision therapy can improve the accuracy and sustainability of reading eye movements and other demanding near visual tasks.
  • Accommodative (focusing) disorders. Other research shows near-to-ar re-focusing skills can be improved with vision training.
  • Other problems. Other vision problems for which vision therapy may be effective include helping with reduced visual information processing skills and vision-related post-concussion dysfunctions.

To determine candidacy for vision therapy to help improve clear comfortable vision, a 2-hour Initial Assessment is completed. This testing is a critical appraisal of 12 visual skills related to visual performance, that goes far beyond the basic eye exam and 20/20 vision clarity; it assesses visual efficiency (eye focusing and teaming), reading eye movements and visual information processing (VIP) skills. If two or more of these visual skills are significantly below normal then they are likely creating visual-anchors and reduced performance. These deficient visual skills are remedial with diligent effort with vision therapy that is doctor directed.

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