Top 5 Steps to protect your Organization in Cyber Attack

Delve Global
3 min readSep 7, 2021


As per a recent research report every 39 seconds, a new attack happens somewhere on the Web. This means around 2,244 attacks happen on a daily basis. And with the Covid-19 outbreak, there has been a rapid upsurge in cyber-attacks. With businesses having no other option but to go digital, cyber criminals are having a field day nowadays. From malware, ransomware, social engineering, and phishing to Cryptojacking, cybercriminals are not leaving any loopholes to lay their hands on others’ money, personal information, corporate information and what not. According to some reports, the cost of cybercrime is estimated to reach $10.5 trillion by 2025.This leaves no scope for businesses other than ensure cyber security.

What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is an umbrella term that refers to different types of security such as critical infrastructure security, network security, endpoint security, cloud security, Internet of Things (IoT) security, application security, and so on. Today cybercriminals are on the prowl looking for new means to victimize your business. In such a scenario, absence of proactive measures to secure your organization from cybercriminals is asking for trouble. So here are top 5 measures to protect your organization from cyber-attacks:

1. Design an Effective Security Policy
Have a security policy in place that clearly outlines the measures to be taken to avoid a cyber-attack and also the procedures to be followed if at all there is an attack. Ensure to update the security policy on a regular basis and the details of which need to be informed to all without fail. The security policy must include the best practices for securing passwords, devices, emails, encryption, and for ensuring compliance as well. For instance, PCI DSS compliance is very essential considering the fact that most businesses are going digital due to the pandemic.

2. Train your Employees
Most employees are not provided the mandatory training to ensure the safety and security of company systems and data. Hence, they easily fall prey to tactics employed by hackers to steal confidential information. Ensure to organize in depth cybersecurity awareness workshops periodically to understand their level of knowledge about the latest threats, as well as best practices. Make it compulsory for all your employees to complete cyber security assignments on time. Also conduct simulated attacks in a real time environment so that the employees realize how not to fall a victim to a hacker’s scheme.

3. Backup Confidential Data
Make it a daily practice to backup data and also ensure that no sensitive data is available in retrievable form. This would keep your confidential data safe and secure in the case of any eventuality.

4. Perform IT Security Assessment
An IT security assessment is a means to analyze the potential risks that exist across your IT ecosystem, on premise as well as cloud. These risks include cyber security issues, misconfigurations or non-compliance issues, to name a few. Vulnerability assessment, Penetration testing (pentesting) are different IT security assessment types. The motive behind vulnerability assessment is to fix the defects on a priority basis. While in pentesting, the pentester helps in finding out whether the current security posture is providing adequate protection against cyber-attacks or not.

5. Use Robust and Effective Cybersecurity Solutions
There are plenty of cyber security solutions available. Invest in those solutions that help meet your security needs. As these solutions release updates on a regular basis to fix bugs and also to add new features, always ensure to update your software so as to enhance the security features.

To summarize, cybersecurity is neither slowing down nor going to slowdown in the near future. So take all precautionary measures and invest in robust comprehensive cyber security solutions to prevent reputational damage as well as financial losses.




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